Exterior Painting: How To Achieve Professional Results

Every homeowner deserves to have an amazing exterior. After all, it's what people first notice. Painting gives you the chance to have a fresh and distinct exterior. If you plan to paint yourself, read on to pick up amazing insights into how you can be successful. 

Apply Multiple Paint Options on the Exterior

Exterior painting affords you many color options. From bright reds to subtle grays, the possibilities are endless. However, one color in particular makes exterior painting worth it long-term. 

You can find it by applying multiple paints on portions of the exterior. A small amount of each color lets you see what the results could look like. Rather than relying on online pictures, you can see which color option is the most impressive.

Use an Automatic Paint Sprayer

If you decide to paint by hand with a brush or roller, exterior painting will take a long time and drain you of energy. A smarter way to paint the exterior is to use an automatic paint sprayer. Using air pressure, you can quickly cover large areas with new coats of paint.

Furthermore, automatic paint sprayers come with nozzles that give you added precision. So if you're trying to paint around windows and doors, you can ensure paint gets on the right surfaces and save yourself inconvenient touch-ups. 

Make Sure the Weather Is Ideal

Exterior painting is something you need to thoroughly plan out, especially when it comes to when you paint. The weather needs to be ideal. Otherwise, the new paint you worked hard to afford may not apply or cure the way it should.

Different paints will have varying weather requirements, but for the most part, try to avoid wet, humid days. The sun should be out, and the temperature shouldn't be too hot to negatively affect your paint's properties.  

Clean Exterior Thoroughly

To perform exterior painting successfully, you'll deal with several preparations. One of the most impactful preparations is cleaning the surface. A thorough surface clean ensures dirt and debris don't affect how new paint adheres to your home's exterior.

You can clean by hand or invest in a power washer if you have the money. Like an automatic paint sprayer, the tool uses pressure to create powerful cleaning actions. Just do what you're comfortable with. 

Exterior painting is a fantastic renovation that drastically changes your home's appearance. If you plan thoroughly, use the right tools, and choose quality paint, you can paint like an experienced professional. For more information, contact a company like K&R Painting.

About Me

A Rookie Mistake

A few years ago, my husband and I decided to repaint the inside of our home. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any experience painting the interior of a house at the time. Because I wanted to ensure I splashed enough paint on the walls, I ended up applying too thick of a coat of paint. To make matters worse, I didn’t properly allow the shelves in my master bedroom closet to dry before filling them with many of my prized handbags. As a result, some of these purses ended up getting stained with green paint. On this blog, I hope you will discover the benefits of hiring professional painters to paint the interior of your home. Enjoy!