Are You Decorating A Princess Bedroom?

Are you decorating a princess-style bedroom for your little girl? If so, you are more than likely in for some pretty fun shopping. From the painting on your little girl's bedroom walls to selecting decorative accessories for her princess room, here are some ideas that might help you to design a unique room that she will enjoy for many years.

The Walls - Consider how the wall treatment will set the mood for the princess look you want. Of course, choose colors of paint that your little girl will love. For example, think of colors like different shades of pink, yellow or purple. It might be fun to let your little girl make her own choices from various colors you have already selected. If she likes more than one color, don't hesitate to use each of the ones she has selected.

For example, if she loves bright pink, consider stenciling things like pretty crowns around the top of the room and around the middle of the room in pale yellow. Another idea is to have a painted mural on one of the walls. If you aren't an artist yourself, think of hiring somebody to do the job for you. Painting words or expressions on the wall will just add to the magic. For example, Did You Know That I'm A Princess? or Princesses Come In All Sizes are just two ideas of expressions you could stencil on the wall. Choose a paint that is easily wiped off, as even princesses sometimes have sticky fingers.

The Decor - Of course, you will want a fancy bed for your princess daughter. Besides choosing an elegant headboard, think of the bedspread you will select. Consider choosing a design that has her favorite Disney princesses as part of the design. Another idea is to select a solid color bedspread and then adding princess themed throw pillows. Again, pillows with her favorite princess people on them would be adorable.

Decorate the rest of the room in a princess style, too. For example, choose frilly window curtains and tie them back with multi-colored ribbons. Another idea is to pull the frilly curtains back with colored beads, maybe the kind that you find at Mardi Gras. A glass or crystal chandelier would be really good, and you can more than likely find one that fits your budget.

Unless you are decorating the room as a surprise, think of getting decorating ideas from your princess. For more information, contact a company like Walls-N-All Painting.

About Me

A Rookie Mistake

A few years ago, my husband and I decided to repaint the inside of our home. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any experience painting the interior of a house at the time. Because I wanted to ensure I splashed enough paint on the walls, I ended up applying too thick of a coat of paint. To make matters worse, I didn’t properly allow the shelves in my master bedroom closet to dry before filling them with many of my prized handbags. As a result, some of these purses ended up getting stained with green paint. On this blog, I hope you will discover the benefits of hiring professional painters to paint the interior of your home. Enjoy!